How do you know if your durian is fresh or frozen?
Science lesson ahead... 🤣
I recently learnt this from our Aussie durian farmer Han Shiong. I reckon it’s a good trick to learn, as I’ve started seeing people sell frozen durians defrosted and sold as fresh! 😓
Please don’t get cheated. I know durians are a premium, because I sell them. Life is too short to be cheated with cheap, mushy
The standout for identifying fresh durians is through the seed. When you cut open a fresh durian seed, you should be able to see the white endosperm in a solid texture.
A previously frozen durian pulp would contain a jelly-like, translucent endosperm. Even if you didn’t cut one open, you can squeeze a defrosted durian seed and feel like it’s squishy. Whilst a fresh seed, uncut, should feel hard and “full”.
In the case of a fresh Musang King, their flat aborted seed cut open would typically reveal an empty shell. Meaning, there’s no endosperm - no food for the embryo. However, the layer that you can see in a cross section of a frozen defrosted seed would start to look transluscent, or even darken.
This is why frozen seeds, and the signature aborted Musang King seeds will not germinate (read: grow into a plant).
PART 1 How to Identify Fresh vs Frozen Durian -
PART 2 How to Identify Fresh cs Frozen Durian -