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[PRE-ORDER] Fresh QLD Red Rambutans. Nephelium lappaceum - The Thorny Fruit Co
[PRE-ORDER] Fresh QLD Red Rambutans. Nephelium lappaceum - The Thorny Fruit Co
[PRE-ORDER] Fresh QLD Red Rambutans. Nephelium lappaceum - The Thorny Fruit Co

[PRE-ORDER] Fresh QLD Red Rambutans. Nephelium lappaceum

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QUEENSLAND Rambutan 2024 season will commence from Wed 26 February 2024 onwards for about 4 weeks.

[UPDATE 17 MARCH 2024: There is a short break in between season for 13 March to 31 March. Season will resume early April.]

Rambutan. Nephelium lappaceum. Native to Malaysia and the Indonesian archipelago, rambutans are cousins to the more popular lychee. Inside its hairy spines and coarse skin is a white translucent flesh that usually bites crisp, juicy and sweeter than lychees. The more common variety are red, but occasionally we may source the yellow ones that are far sweeter.

Rambutans in Australia are grown in Darwin, NT and Far North Queensland. The Darwin season is usually between November and January, and QLD season is between February and March.

The Australian grown rambutans we source for you are 100% fresh, top quality, premium graded firm crisp, sweet juicy freestone rambutan! Where possible, we try to avoid the cling-stone variety which is where the flesh sticks to the woody seeds.

How will you know these are fresh? You’ll see fresh green-yellow-red spines, and they will eat well as the flesh comes off the seeds nicely because of the variety we selected.

Product of Australia.


Looking for Yellow Rambutans? These will be Express Posted direct from the farm in QLD.

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